How to Patch a Small Hole in Drywall.

How to Patch a Small Hole in Drywall

Accidents happen, and sometimes, they leave a small hole in your drywall. Whether it’s from a doorknob hitting the wall or a wayward furniture corner, repairing a small hole in drywall is a common task for many homeowners. Fortunately, it’s a relatively straightforward fix that you can do yourself with just a few tools and materials.

Gather Your Tools and Materials

Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary tools and materials on hand. You’ll need a putty knife, sandpaper, spackling compound, and a small piece of drywall or a patching kit. You may also need a utility knife if you’re cutting your own patch. These items can typically be found at your local hardware or home improvement store.

Clean and Prepare the Area

Start by cleaning the area around the hole to remove any dust, dirt, or loose debris. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the surface, and allow it to dry completely. If there are any rough edges or protruding pieces of drywall, use sandpaper to smooth them out.

Fill the Hole with Spackling Compound

Using your putty knife, apply a thin layer of spackling compound over the hole. Make sure to press the compound firmly into the hole to fill it completely. Smooth out the surface with the putty knife, and scrape away any excess compound. Allow the spackling compound to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Sand and Finish

Once the spackling compound is dry, use fine-grit sandpaper to gently sand the patched area until it’s smooth and flush with the surrounding drywall. Wipe away any dust with a clean cloth. If necessary, apply another thin layer of spackling compound and repeat the sanding process until the surface is seamless.


Repairing a small hole in drywall is a manageable DIY project that can save you time and money. With the right tools and materials, you can quickly and effectively patch up any unsightly blemishes on your walls. By following these simple steps, you can restore the appearance of your drywall and maintain a clean and polished look in your home.