How to Fix Broken Eyeshadow.


How to Fix Broken Eyeshadow

Broken eyeshadow can be a frustrating beauty mishap, but fear not – there are ways to fix this common problem. Whether your favorite eyeshadow palette has shattered or you accidentally dropped a single eyeshadow, there are several techniques you can use to salvage your beloved makeup. In this article, we’ll explore some simple methods to restore your broken eyeshadow to its former glory.

Gather Your Supplies

Before you begin the repair process, gather the necessary supplies. You will need rubbing alcohol, a small mixing tool (such as a toothpick or small spatula), a tissue or paper towel, and a flat surface to work on. Additionally, you may want to have a small container or compact to transfer the repressed eyeshadow into.

Repressing the Eyeshadow

Start by crushing the broken eyeshadow into a fine powder using the mixing tool. Once the eyeshadow is broken down, add a few drops of rubbing alcohol to the powder. Use the mixing tool to blend the alcohol and eyeshadow until it forms a paste-like consistency. Be sure not to add too much alcohol, as this can affect the quality of the eyeshadow. Next, use the mixing tool to press the paste back into the original container or a new one, ensuring it is packed tightly and level. Smooth out the surface with a tissue or paper towel, and let it dry for a few hours. Your eyeshadow should be as good as new!

Additional Tips

If you are dealing with a shattered eyeshadow palette, you can use the same repressing method for each individual shade. Alternatively, if the damage is minimal, you can simply use the back of a spoon to press the broken pieces back together without alcohol. It is important to clean and dry your tools and work surface thoroughly before and after the repair process to prevent any contamination.


Fixing broken eyeshadow doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With a few simple techniques and a bit of patience, you can easily restore your favorite eyeshadows to their original state. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can save money and minimize waste by repairing rather than replacing your beloved makeup products.